Find Contract Opportunities is a free, centralized source for finding and bidding on U.S. government contract opportunities. Select a filter to start finding opportunities for your organization or enter keywords in the search bar.
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Is your entity registered?
Your entity needs an active registration in to bid on contract opportunities.
Search Opportunities by NAICS code
Government buyers categorize all opportunities with NAICS codes. Select a category to find opportunities for your business.
Search Opportunities by Small Business Set Aside
Certain contracts, called set asides, are reserved for small businesses to help them compete for federal awards.
Find Vendor Collaboration Opportunities
Find vendor collaboration notices from federal agencies.
Find Small Business Events
Federal agencies host small business events to help you find opportunities to work with them.
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Are you a small business?
APEX Accelerators are an official government contracting assistance resource for small businesses getting an All Awards registration in Find your local APEX Accelerator for free registration help.